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 Marston Reservoir Work

September 15, 2014– Denver Water’s contactor, SEMA Construction, has begun work on the multilevel outlet works project. The level of Marston is at 5,485 feet, the level required for the construction of the outlet works. The construction site is located on the north side of the forebay near Marston Treatment Plant. The new outlet works will allow water to be drawn from various water levels, currently, water can only be drawn from one level. The ability to draw water from various levels will improve the quality of water sent to the treatment plant, ultimately improving Denver’s drinking water. In addition to constructing the outlet works, crews will remove aging pipes that pass through the dam on the north side of the forebay. To take advantage of the drawdown, crews also will work on improving the safety of the south dam.

All construction activity will comply with the ordinances of the City and Countyof Denver. Work will occur between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Weekend work will occur as needed and will comply with permits.

The project is scheduled to be completed September 1, 2015. Marston may remain at 5,485 feet through the construction project. As water is available, Marston will be filled gradually in the spring and summer of 2015. This process will be gradual in order to monitor the work done on the dams. Engineers from Denver Water’s Dam Safety Section, as well as engineers from the Colorado State Engineer’s Office will monitor the dams throughout construction, during the filling process, and beyond.

Updates will continue to be posted at in new window).

July 21, 2014 – The Denver Water Board has decided to spot treat some areas to hold down the dust. They are using a material they feel will not harm water quality as the reservoir refills. In addition, the plant cover that has emerged on the reservoir bottom helps with dust containment.

The appeal of the CDPHE permit is being held in abeyance while Denver Water is acting in cooperation with the Town.

In summary, a multi-phased approach is ongoing and the Town is dealing at the highest level at the Denver Water Board. Mayor Pilgrim has not yet executed a contract with Pinyon Environmental to monitor air quality because this action does not seem necessary at this time. Town Attorney Reutzel would like to get a consensus from the citizen advisory group on the issue.

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